The Capital Region Food Program
Holiday Food Basket Project
After more than five years of careful consideration, principled discussions, formal research, and comprehensive analysis of its Holiday Food Basket Project, the Capital Region Food Program is formally announcing that the CRFP Holiday Food Basket Project will no longer be executed as it has been in the past. For many years, sustainability of the project as it currently is and previously was conducted has been a major concern.
There have been numerous factors and forced changes that have weighed heavily on this decision. For almost 50 years, the CRFP HFBP has provided a much needed and valuable service. Over the last 10 years we have seen many changes in the landscape including alternative programs and resources. What began as a highly collaborative and coordinated process evolved over the years and began to more regularly experience fragmented communication and complexities that led to complications in effectively executing the project. We have seen several long-term partners decide to utilize alternative approaches to the holiday food baskets, others have indicated our process requires too much effort, these issues along with the desire and constant requests for more customized products, and the succession plan for the project management have been major considerations in the decision. The processing of applications, the coordination of referring agencies, the facilitation of distribution sites, the production of food boxes, the securing of resources, and the overall management of this project will be permanently suspended.
The CRFP is an all-volunteer organization that is committed to helping alleviate hunger in the Greater Concord Area. The changes in the landscape, the sustainability factor, and opportunity that new technologies and products provide were the main drivers in this decision. The CRFP will still be involved in getting food to those in need at the holiday time as well as throughout the year through its Year Round Distribution Project and new initiatives that will be adaptable to the individual/family needs. While the HFBP will no longer exist in the format we have known for so many years, the organization is working hard to establish an alternative resource, with limited demands on our partners to continue supporting the efforts of the great work being done. Hopefully the new initiative(s) will have as big, if not bigger, positive impact on our friends and neighbors in need.
Timothy Grotheer, Chair Capital Region Food Program Board
Elena M. Preston, Vice Chair Capital Region Food Program Board