The Year Round Distribution Project (YRDP)

The Year Round Distribution Project was officially established in 1992. The YRDP provides monthly supplemental food supplies to about 30 food pantries and social service agencies, helping to supply about 5,000 meals per month to families in need of assistance. The project now represents over 40% of CRFP’s budget.

The Year Round Distribution Project takes place eleven months out of the year. The food pantries and social service agencies the Capital Region Food Program (CRFP) works with place an order for the amount of food that they would like to receive at the distribution. Since February 2009, the CRFP has purchased the food for the distribution through Associated Grocers of New England (AGNE).

Our Year Round Distribution Project (YRDP) has continued to meet the demands of our partner agencies and has become even more vital. This project continues to demonstrate its value to our community. Utilizing a Just-in-Time production model we have been able to adjust to changing needs and challenges of distribution channels.

While most months, the project operates out of the AGNE offices, there are some months in which we have special joint efforts in which we need additional volunteer help.

In the past, the Year Round Distribution Project has teamed up with the Postal Food Drive. On this day, we sort food brought in by the postal carriers and distribute it to our participating agencies.